I really like the third panel of GA kicking down into the ground and Das tumbling away. It's a small panel, but I think it's the best action shot on the page.
So today's page is pretty speed-line-heavy. Look at all those speed lines. You know, when you're a comic artist, and you're drawing stuff like this, you can't help but make noises with your mouth when you're drawing it. I think that's where I get all of my onomatopoeias from. ...Well, that and certain metrosexual Japanese musicians. *wink!*
"Dung shui" is a term I've been wanting to put into a comic for the longest time. Finally found a good spot for it with a random giant gold bust.
Anyhoo, I always fancied Dasien as being a dirty fighter. She'll punch you in the back, throw sand in your face, and knee you in th groin. Choking someone with their own cape? Yep, that's something Das would do.
Oh, and as long as I have the commentary reigns for today, I might as well plug a friend of mine. You may know Noelle Dreves, author of Dangermoth. What you may not know is that she's one kick-ass cosplayer. Go check out her Ms. Marvel costume that she posted over on deviantART!
(Warning: May require the placement of a pillow in your lap!)
Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
Please do not duplicate without permission.