Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Comic for Tuesday , October 6 , 2009
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Al Schroeder
I conceived this particular prison/HQ a while ago, mainly because I always thought the Injustice Society's satellite on the other side of the Earth from the JLA's satellite was dorky. What they needed was someplace thematically located in Hell, as the JLA satelite was in the Heavens. A place almost impossible to reach,and more importantly, impossible to escape from. That's when I conceived of a HQ for the Secret Society of Super-Villains towards the center of the Earth. The only ones who could even get near them is Superman or Green Lantern (and the second depends on whether there are any yellow lava streams around them.)

It was an idea I always liked. So when we decided where to put Smiley's prison...I immediately thought of my old idea of where to put the SSOSV's HQ. It makes it almost impossible to escape from. Even if you stage a prison break--where do you go? There are hundreds of miles of hot magma between you and the surface.

Tartarus was the deepest and part of the Greek Hades, where the worst people or entities the Olympians wanted to punish went, by the way. ---Al
Mr. Neil
I love when people say "That's cute" in a condescending sort of way. It's one of my favorites.

I'm having some growing pains with the way I designed Goldie's hair. The reason is that she's got these two giant tufts of hair sticking out, and as my style changes, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to deal with them. Yes, I've sabotaged myself. Business as usual.

Speaking of things that are awkward, by now it should be plainly obvious that Neo-Tartarus, the structure you saw back in the Ultra sub-story, is submerged in magma. I started shading it, and then it dawned on me that it shouldn't be shaded, since it's IN MOLTEN ROCK. Molten rock is, of course, incandescent. And, according to some 80s rock band, it's also extremely hot.

7800° Fahrenheit

Technically, you shouldn't even be able to see it, so I just kind of fudged it and came up with something that sort of looks right. It's kind of like hearing sound in space when you're watching Star Wars. Just turn your brain off.

And last but not least, a superhero webcomic from the past is back on the internet. Liberty The American Girl has a new home over at If you want to see where the Gizmo Bug comes from, now is your opportunity.


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Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
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Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
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