Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Comic for Tuesday , October 27 , 2009
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Al Schroeder
We could have done this from the cells, but I wanted LB to get in MM's face on this one. This is one scene Lewis, LB's creator, felt pretty strongly on. LB's dialogue in the fourth panel is almost entirely Lewis'. (Personally, I think "sociopath" is a little strong---am I a sociopath because I don't go out and stop bank robberies single-handedly?---but this is LIGHTBRINGER's point of view.)

I also wanted to touch on why MM's Osiristor wouldn't be something Smiley would be already using, like he's using her mind-control technology. If there's no body left, there's nothing to recreate---besides, since all her alternative selves were merging together, there would be no guarantee it would be "his" Rachel that he brought back to life anyway.

I'm afraid MM will never get the "Miss Popularity" vote. ---Al
Mr. Neil
Being a pacifist, Lightbringer does not believe in applying force to achieve any end. To him, it would be desireable to bring an innocent girl back to life, but not at the expense of another human life, even that of the person who had killed her. To Lightbringer, doing so would make him no better than the killer himself. Justice is not vengeance in Lightbringer's eyes.

Mindmistress, however, is much more pragmatic and will act upon the desired goal. Mindmistress does not have the sort of philosophical roadblocks that Lightbringer has. This allows her to act upon an injustice, such as a brutal murder, and reverse the consequences. She saved a life at the expense of the one who took it.

They both represent oppositing points of view. Lightbringer's is more nobel, however Mindmistress' is more realistic. They seem destined to be at odds with each other, incapable of resolving their issues.

Although, I suspect that if they sat down and hashed out some of their differences, they actually might find a lot of commonalities.

Whatever you do, Double-M, don't tell him about the DOG!


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Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
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Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
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