Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Comic for Thursday , October 1 , 2009
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Featuring the characters of:

Mechagical Girl Lisa A.N.T


Green Avenger

Indefensible Positions



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Al Schroeder
Ben Carver of POINT GUARDIAN continues with the second of three pages of a side story this week, which will tie directly into some of the happenings of the next chapter.

If the previous power-glutton looks oddly familiar...consider it a homage or tribute or in-joke. (And hey, if I'm reading certain comics correctly, there may be as many as 52 versions of him, anyway...) ---Al

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Hosted by
Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Free comic hosting.
Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
Please do not duplicate without permission.