Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Comic for Tuesday , May 27 , 2008
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Mechagical Girl Lisa A.N.T


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Mr. Neil
"Dasien?! You can't fly!"

"I can now, BITCH!"

Crossoverlord gave me an excuse to try out my new design for Dasien's costume. I've gently bumped her timeline ahead a few chapters so that she's using a modified Crimson Gestalt uniform.

Incidentally, the Gizmo Bug originated from a webcomic called Liberty: The American Girl, which is sadly no longer on the internet. In using this character, I wanted to have an homage to the silliness of that series as well as perhaps gently prod series creator Alan Brzozowski into bringing it back.

These days, Alan is strictly a photographer, and his website is is located at

And yes, Gizmo Bug's wings really did make the *SCHWING!* noise when deployed.


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Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
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Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
Please do not duplicate without permission.