There's one in EVERY crowd...
You see, the thing is, MM isn't a typical superhero(ine). She's not in it just for altruism's sake. Otherwise, she would spend all her time inventing cures for cancer and AIDS and deposing dictators and eventually end up ruling the world, with people eventually resenting her and trying to rebel against her...
She's more like you and I---she gets involved when she's curious, or when it threatens her directly, or whatnot.
Ringo already has a huge assortment of superhumans to choose from. If it weren't for the fact that the Smiling Man has recruited her old foes, the Sisters, who have a hate-on for her personally, MM would go, "Thanks but no thanks" and be off. She's not egotistical enough to think she alone will make the difference in a multiversal war....
But she's managed to hide her own particular reality from the Sisters. If Smiley reveals its location to them, she is VERY much in danger. Especially in her other identity.
Still, speaking frankly is not going to win MM any popularity contests with the others.
Next time, Ringo and MM have more words, and yet another webcomic gets involved...retroactively.