Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Comic for Tuesday , September 9 , 2008
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Featuring the characters of:

Mechagical Girl Lisa A.N.T


Green Avenger

Indefensible Positions



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In another explanation for events happening here and in Lightbringer, this symbol began to appear at least once every storyline, be it in graffiti or even in a cloud’s shadow. It was a kind of dimensional marker indicating battle lines – territory protected or controlled by Ringo and another symbol for use by the Smiling Man for the universes under his domination...

Al Schroeder
It only took us, what, five months to explain the title of the comic? (Of course, Sauron is usually called Sauron, even though he's the titular Lord of the Rings...)

Oh, and you can see that symbol---the one Ringo's people for the concept of multiversal separation and noncontamination---here at or or well as several pages in LIGHTBRINGER and other places.

And Ringo at


Mr. Neil
Well, six pages ago, I debuted my rendition of Dead Debbie, which was kind of primitive. Here, you'll see that I've been practicing the character a bit more. I'm starting to hit my stride with a lot of these characters, actually.

I love pages that feature all the heroes talking. And yes, I deliberately angled the first panel so that you could get a nice shot of Dasien's lap. I'm such a pig.


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Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Free comic hosting.
Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
Please do not duplicate without permission.