Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Comic for Wednesday , November 11 , 2009
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Al Schroeder
This is the last place Mindmistress visited on her brief tour of some of the most horrifying places in the multiverse. There were ten places not shown, and maybe we'll touch on them later. But to me, this had to end up here.

JACK is a powerfully-written, pull-no-punches, very NSFW, extremely violent and often savagely sexual webcomic. You ever read Dante's INFERNO? This is Dante with furries. The main character, Jack, is the grim reaper of his world--also the sin of Wrath--and, also, before he died, he wiped out the human race in his reality. He's the green rabbit with the scythe in the second and third panels.

JACK's stories are jarring, and not for the squeamish. (But then, neither is Dante.) They are also extremely thought-provoking. If the Smiling Man is sending Mindmistress to the more horrifying places in the multiverse, Jack's realm has to be the stopping place. There's no place that's more horrifying.

Obviously, this segment happened BEFORE the recent segment in Jack when he learned what he did to the human race--when he was alive.

We want to thank Jack's creator, David Hopkins, for his kind permission to have his creation be the horror-to-end-all-horror of Mindmistress' little tour.

Remember the fact that Mindmistress can't forget anything that ever happened to her? That she has a perfect, infallible memory?

That can be a weakness, too. ---Al
Mr. Neil
What you didn't see is the deleted scene where Mindmistress passes through The Family Circus. The horror.


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Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Free comic hosting.
Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
Please do not duplicate without permission.