Of course, since they're all from separate realities, the other members wouldn't know anything about the abilities of each of the others' opponents. Hence, MM needs to warn the others about the Sisters of the Twilight, Dasien needs to warn MM about Red, etc.
From the Smiling Man's viewpoint, it's RINGO who's the murderer---of his beloved wife. ---Al
Is Uber-Red "brainless"? Well, not really. He does have enough residual memory of his former self to recognise who his allies are and behave himself. His inability to talk is a side-effect from being cloned. He doesn't have the muscle memory to perform such a complex articulation as speech.
As much as I love 80s cartoons, I couldn't do the trope where the genetic clone hops off the laboratory table, fully equipped with the gift of language, ala Serpentor.
On the other hand, Das is technically correct. Uber-Red's brain development is probably so unique (having skipped childhood) that none of Mindmistress' mental tricks will work on him. Could he have been given more developed cognitive functions? Possibly, but I suspect that the Smiling Man has his reasons for creating Uber-Red in this state.
Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
Please do not duplicate without permission.