Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Comic for Sunday , August 2 , 2009
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Mr. Neil
Okay! Time to make Hogan cry for mercy! I've been looking forward to posting this page for some time, and that day is finally here.

So, if you're really into webcomics... and I mean REALLY into them, then this is the page for you. Can you identify some of these webcomic stars? If so, then how many? This page is packed-packed-PACKED with heroes, and some of them are from webcomics that have long since ended. Heck, SOME of them aren't even webcomics. There's at least one print comic star here, although many, many of these heroes are the creations of respected comic artists. Two characters on this page are even the creationists of two of my biggest artistic heroes, at whom I threw myself in a very fangirly way just to beg them to loan their characters to The Crossoverlord!

Well, I promised a cheat sheet, so if you really want to spoil it for yourself (or if you just don't know who any of these characters are), then fret not, for here is the complete list.

Top Row
·Zebra Girl, created by Joseph England
·Azumorph, created by AzuJOD, of Heroes Unite
·Nebulon of Secret Adventure, created by LegacyHero
·Acrobat, created by literacysuks1
·Valkyrie Yuuki, created by Kittyhawk
·Butterfly, created by Dean Trippe
·La Gata of Secret Adventure, created by LegacyHero
·Kit Ballard of Blade Kitten, created by Space Captain Steve
·Dangermoth, created by Noelle Dreves
·Pulsar Pureheart, created by Dangerman-1973
·Tadashi of Culture Shock, created by Reed Hawker
·Alec of Culture Shock, created by Reed Hawker
·Mike of The Gods Of Arr-Kelaan, created by Chuck Rowles

Second Row:
·Empowered, created by Adam Warren
·Charisma Epoch of Magellan, created by Stephen Crowley
·Jenny Everywhere of The Shifter Archives
·The mysterious hero from the cover of Dasien Chapter 5, created by moi
·Flickerflame, by Al Schroeder
·The Blue Beacon, created by BlueBeacon, of Heroes Unite
·Comet Kid, created by Joshua Florence
·Wonderella, created by Justin Pierce
·Superhawke, created by Dangerman-1973
·HU Commander, created by Nepath, of Heroes Unite
·Bombshell, created by Abt_Nihil
·Ultra of Point Guardian, created by Ben Carver
·Victory, created by Chris V.

Bottom Row:
·Gollum of The Repository of Dangerous Things, created by Amanda Hardy
·Daisy Mae, created by Michael Powers
·Killroy of Killroy & Tina, created by Justin Pierce
·Rochelle of Magellan, created by Stephen Crowley
·Dr. McNinja, created by Chris Hastings
·Captain Spectacular of Super Fogeys, created by Brock Heasley
·Audioman of Adventures In Audioland, created by Mike Dyer



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Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
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Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
Please do not duplicate without permission.