Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Comic for Tuesday , December 23 , 2008
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Featuring the characters of:

Mechagical Girl Lisa A.N.T


Green Avenger

Indefensible Positions



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Mr. Neil
Wha...What the hell?! Who drew this!? Oh my god, it's Abby Lehrke, author of The Green Avenger!!! Yes! It's a very special Crossoverlord Christmas!

Today's comic illustrates what might have been. For those unfamiliar with the Green Avenger, her WCCA-award-winning comic is part Mary Sue, and thus real life experiences tend to mesh with the fiction. This comic, therefore, represents our group asking Abby to join our team and contribute her talents, to which, unfortunately, she was not able.

We all love Green Avenger. When we started the Crossoverlord project, she was, quite literally, at the top of a list of dream team authors to have on board with our project. We had begged, pleaded, and mildly harassed Abby to join us. Our hearts go out to Abby, and we look forward to her eventual return to the webcomic community.

Speaking of which, Abby has stated that this page will tie into the eventual return of Green Avenger.

Also on today's page, you'll note a very special cameo by Justin Pierce's Wonderella! I don't think that this is going to be the last we'll see of Justin Pierce characters. I think there's a certain blue despot who needs to make a special cameo at some point!

Also, please, if anyone else wants to do their own version of Ringo's gathering within their own comics, we encourage it! Ringo will continue to reach out to all manner of webcomic heroes. Just be sure to let us know, so we can link to you, and also be sure to link back to us! Just remember that we're a rated-T, so we might not be able to link to everybody.

By the way, clicking the vote button will give you a special sneak peek panel of next week's comic!

And finally, we at Crossoverlord would like to wish everyone across the multiverse a very Merry Christmas!

Al Schroeder
Also, the logo this time is from four suggestions for team names from Krrack_Knut and one from VinnieD of ANTIBUNNY. If you have team names to suggest, make sure you go to this thread.


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Hosted by
Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Free comic hosting.
Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
Please do not duplicate without permission.