Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Comic for Tuesday , May 5 , 2009
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Featuring the characters of:

Mechagical Girl Lisa A.N.T


Green Avenger

Indefensible Positions



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Mr. Neil
In today's episode, we have Lightbringer and ANT trying to get the two muscle girls out of bed. BIG! MISTAKE!

You don't get Dasien out of bed without at least a plate of flapjacks to back you up. Even still, you should be ready to run.

Also, if there's one thing I've learned from my overlord, Adam Warren, it's that you can get away with a filthy word in a teen-rated comic if you muffle it.

Al Schroeder
I hope no one is frustrated at the slow pacing. There's plenty of action and horrifying situations coming, but I'm a strong believer in getting to know the characters. Then the action and horror will hit you MORE because you'll already care about the characters.

I don't know about you, but the characters I tend to remember more I get to KNOW them before they go out and save the world...even in a superhero comic.


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Hosted by
Comic Genesis - New Worlds.  New Dreams.
Free comic hosting.
Characters created by William Adams, Ida Kirkegaard, Abby Lehrke,
Lewis Lovhaug, Neil Purcell, Al Schroeder, and Remus Shepherd.
Please do not duplicate without permission.